Lab Test & Blood Results

Had a blood test recently and want to see the results? Follow the steps below

Lab Results On Vensa HealthStep One: Log in to your Vensa Health account by clicking here or enter into your browser. 

Desktop Computer: Head to the left hand side menu and select "Health Record" and within this menu the section "Lab Results".
Mobile device: Once logged in, scroll the top bar to the right. You should see options like "My Health Feed - Appointments - Prescriptions - My Health. Select "My Health" and within this menu "Lab Results". 

If you can see no blood work at all, not even results from a while ago, then follow the above steps on the question "My Health record is not being displayed at all".

If you can see some blood results, but not the new ones yet, your recent blood results might not have come back to your GP yet. While some blood tests may only take a few days, others can take 1-3 weeks to process.