Appointment Reminders in TXT2Remind

This document outlines the steps required to set up appointment reminders on TXT2Remind.



1.  Go up to Options > schedule preferences.  This will open a new window called Schedule Remind time.

  1. Enable the automatic text appointment reminder.  Choose the frequency you want then choose the time you would like the appointment reminders to go out. And save.


  1. Go to the appointment book tab.



  1. Put a tick against the appointment books you would like appointment reminders for.  Choose the default automatic daily template or choose the applicable template for that appointment book and save.  NB To set up a new appointment template go to the How to set up a template in TXT2Remind instructions.  


  1. Go to the TXT2Remind Service Host tab


  1. Click on Stop to stop the text to remind service. The wording ‘TXT2Remind Service is running on xxxx’ will change from green to red.



  1. Click on start to restart the service.  The wording ‘TXT2Remind Service will change from red to green.  Click on save.


  1. Go back to the composer (front page) of TXT2Remind and check that it says in green that the TXT2Remind Service is running on xxx