How do I invite and verify my patients?

Learn how to view, invite and verify your eligible patients.

Log in and head to the "patients" section on the left sidebar. You'll land on your patient signup dashboard. You can find patients that have already been verified (or blocked) in the sections in the red oval. In order to sign up a new patient click "Verify Patients" in the red square on the left. 


Make sure you are in the "Practice Verifications" section (red oval, top left). This will show you a list of patients who have yet to be verified. You can search for any patient using the search bar (red arrow) - I want to verify Sam Wong. When you've found your desired patient in the list, click "Verify Online" (right hand column, red oval). This will begin the verification invitation process. Note that here you will also see patients who have been invited, but are yet to complete the process on their end.



Click "Verify Online" for our first patient. This window will then appear:


Enter the email address and mobile number the patient gives you. If the email and mobile number are unique to this patient you can proceed (green ticks will appear, and the "Sign Up Patient" button turns blue). If you wish to limit what this patient may access (online appointments, repeat scripts etc) then click "Set Access Controls" at the bottom (the red arrow). You can set their access permissions. Make your selections and proceed.



It gets a bit trickier if the patient in front of you gives you an email address that is already in use on the Vensa portal. In this case a confirmation pop up will appear:


sam 4

This window displays details linked to the email you entered on the previous page. It displays patient details from your PMS and from the Vensa portal. Check with the patient in front of you if they are the same. In this case the email is already in use by a portal user - the name and DOB are different. The patient in front of you cannot use this email, as it is already claimed by a portal user. Click "Change email" at the bottom and ask the patient for a different unique email.

In most cases the patient in front of you will also be the owner of the portal account, but their name may be spelled slightly differently. In this case, press "confirm" to allow this patient to verify with this email.


When you have a unique email and mobile number for the patient both ticks will turn green, and the "Sign up Patient" box will turn blue. Click this to complete this patient's verification.




This patient has now been verified - their status has changed (red arrow).


If this was an error, or the patient wishes to no longer be verified, click "Remove Verification" and this window will pop up:


Enter your communication to the patient (if you wish) and click "Remove Verification". Done!