Smoking Brief Advice with Campaign Manager

With Vensa you can choose between smoking brief advice using campaign manager software or using you platform login. Thids guide outlines the campaign manager SBA.

Written Manual: Campaign Manager [BPAC] Manual


Suggested Templates are below:

Smoking Brief(BPI) – includes current smokers + those who became an ex-smoker in the last 12 months but haven’t received brief advice yet. – Preferred Campaign

Hi [PAT_FIRSTNAME], we would like to offer help for you to stop smoking/stay smokefree, as its best for your health. Please reply with a number: 1. Current Smoker + Accept, 2. Current Smoker + Decline, 3. (Still) Ex-Smoker. Thanks, Hauora Medical

Smoking Brief – current smokers who have not had brief advice in the last 15 months

Hi [PAT_FIRSTNAME], we would like to offer help for you to stop smoking, as its best for your health. Please reply with a number: 1. Accept, 2. Decline, 3. Already Quit. Thanks, Hauora Medical

Smoking Brief(Dr Info) – exclusively looks for those who have been a smoker in the past, have since been updated with a non-smoker classification, but have not received brief advice in the following 12 months

Hi [PAT_FIRSTNAME], we would like to offer help for you to stop smoking/stay
smokefree, as its best for your health. Please reply with a number: 1. Current Smoker + Accept, 2. Current Smoker + Decline, 3. Still an Ex-Smoker. Thanks, Hauora Medical


Suggested Readcodes to Assign

Response Rec. Read Codes Descriptions
Current Smoker + Accept Help 137R.00




Current Smoker


Brief advice Given

Ref to smoking cessation support

Current Smoker + Decline Help 137R.00




Current Smoker


Brief Advice Given

Refused smoking cess support

Ex-Smoker/Already Quit/(Still Ex-Smoker) 137S.00





Brief advice given